Hub Declaration
Our mission statement is to make sure Burnaby participates nationally in the climate conversation and to focus on positive solutions happening in Burnaby around climate change. By signing our declaration, you are committing your voice to demand that Burnaby leads by example and initiates a transition to clean energy, a low carbon economy and that you support the declaration of a climate emergency in our City.
You are also supporting the work of City staff on a plan to reach the city’s new ambitious targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions below 2007 levels by 45 per cent by 2030, 75 per cent by 2040 and full carbon neutrality by 2050. In addition, we want to optimise data collection and make it available to the public so we can measure progress towards this emissions reduction.
We are working on collecting available data for the National Climate League to keep Burnaby on the map and are always looking for new members to join us!

Contact Hub captains below to get involved or submit your own project.
What's happening and what's happened. See you there!
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Media coverage of the Hub's activities.
Press releases, op-eds & open letters can also be found below.
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